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Clear, Complete & Correct LPA NVD's

Mistakes to Avoid When Filling Out LPA NVD's 

View the full article on the Integrity Systems website here

"Knowing how to fill out National Vendor Declarations (NVDs) so they are clear, complete and correct is essential to ensure the food safety, traceability and integrity of Australian red meat. Providing accurate information about your livestock on your NVD ensures that the entire supply chain can be sure that the meat you produce is safe to eat and of the highest quality. When an NVD is not clear, complete and correct, it is considered invalid and should not be accepted by the receiver of the livestock. NVDs are a legal document and so by law, they must be accurate."

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Beef Processing Still In Upheaval - QCL

Processing still in upheaval, no end in sight for shortages. 

Wednesday, 25th January 2022

Queensland Country Life Excerpt: 

"The havoc being wreaked on the red meat processing sector in the form of COVID-19 infections keeping abattoir workers at home continues to keep supermarket beef shelves bare. There is no way of predicting how long it will be until processors are back online at a level that might be expected outside of the pandemic. Nor whether all parts of the supply chain, including transport and distribution, will follow the same worker absenteeism trends. Likely, it won't be until Omicron infections in all sectors ease that the flow of meat returns to anywhere near normal."

View the Full Story at QCL. 

Bovine Johne’s Disease Management in the Northern Territory

Bovine Johne’s Disease Management in the Northern Territory

Following national deregulation and commencing July 1, 2017, the Northern Territory will be transitioning from the interim BJD management position of JBAS 7 to JBAS 6 for entry of cattle.

The Northern Territory Cattlemen’s Association (NTCA) has consulted comprehensively with both NTCA members, which represent over 90% of the NT cattle herd, NT Department of Primary Industries and Resources (DPIR) staff and other stakeholders, to develop an informed and comprehensive industry position for the ongoing management of Bovine Johne’s Disease (BJD).

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ABC rural sml beef News

ABC Rural:

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