Listing details
Selling Method Type
Private Sale
Property Name
3,562Ha (8,801.98 Acres)
Approximately $4,592.65 annually.
Located on the outskirts of Mount Surprise with bitumen access via Savanah Way highway or 5km
of built-up gravel road on the Springfield/Almaden Road. Offering secure access throughout the wet
The property is centrally located between Cairns, Charters Towers, Normanton and Hughenden. The
major service centre of Atherton is 220km from the station that offers all major requirements.
Savannah offers easy access to a variety of services and supply areas as well as numerous cattle marketing
Country Type
Savannah is comprised of picturesque lightly timbered Savannah grazing. Predominately gentle sloping
red and black basalt soils with rocky outcrops scattered throughout the property.
Elizabeth creek run through the western boundary against the Mount Surprise township and offers
terrific, sweet frontage grazing. There is a small seasonal creek that runs through the property. No other
internal creek or river systems traverse the property which allows ease of management and secure
Timber species on Savannah include Box, Ironbark, Bloodwood and Cabbage Gum. Whilst pasture
species include Black Spear, Forest Blue, Golden Beard, Plum Sorghum and Giant Spear Grass as well as
Couch and Grader Grass. Secca Stylos are also prevalent throughout the property.
There are several bores located on Savannah.
1. Teds Hole Bore (Powerline Bore) – new solar power with mains power back up, submersible pump,
800gals/hr, pumps stock water to a 20,000-gal tank and multiple troughs.
2. Jeds Bore- new solar power (mains power back up), 40mtr deep, SWL 25mtr, 1176 gal/hr. Pumps to
20,000-gal tank and multiple troughs.
3. Withers Bore – solar power, unknown depth, recently blown out, good supply. Pumps to adjacent
tank and to several troughs.
4. Old Bore behind Radar Hill was cleaned out in 2022 and set up with solar power, submersible, tank
and trough (trough still needs connecting). Feeds to a new 6,000-gal tank and multiple troughs. Good
5. A new bore was drilled in 2021 in the Town Paddock to 54m depth. Not yet set up but there is a solar
system ad tank ready to be installed.
Situated in Savannah paddock, Railway Dam serves as a favoured watering location for cattle. In late
2023, a complete fencing was implemented, enabling immediate exclusion of cattle should water levels
drop by the year’s end.
760mm (30 inches)
Savannah has a triangular property shape and is bounded to the north by the Railway line and Springfield
Station, to the east by Byramine Station and to the south by the Gulf Development Highway and Rocky
Springs Station.
Savannah is fenced into four paddocks. Fencing is stockproof 3-barb fencing on the Mt Surprise and
Springfield boundaries with a new 4-bard fence on the Byramine boundary and sound 3-barb along the
Rocky Springs highway boundary. Internal fencing is a mix of older and newer 3-barb with new steel
gateways and gates having been installed in some locations.
Predominant Use
Cattle breeding & fattening
Carrying Capacity/Stock
1500 good quality Brahman Cross cows and heifers including calves are included in the sale of Savannah.
100% of livestock included are young breeding stock ranging from joiner weight heifers through to
mature breeders.
Plant & Equipment
Available in IM.
Savannah is intersected by rural power connected to the accommodation and bore as well as the added
advantage of next G mobile coverage across the property. Due to the close proximity of the Mount
Surprise township all general services are easily obtained right on the doorstop of the property.
Number of Dwellings
2 x liveable dongas
Bitumen access, water security, great location.