104 Feeder Steers - Auctions Plus 28/02/2025
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4 decks of Crossbred steers predominately Santa/Droughtmaster/senepol/Ultra Black Cross types.Temperament is spot on with these steers handling very well through the yards and easily let out after assessment, it is not hard to see the education they have received. Core Breeding herd is made up of predominately Drensmaine and canowindra Santas, Rondel Droughtmasters, 5-Star Senepol/Charolais cross, Palgrove and Ardrossan Ultra Blacks with Pluto Brahmans. 100% weighed and mouthed at assessment for full buyers confidence with 61 x 2 tooth and balance milk tooth. Ideal steers to feed on take through to grass bullocks with an excellent reputation for growth and performance. Tight weight range with 85% between 400 and 450kg at assessmentLarge percentage of polled heads, good weight for age, moderate frame and an excellent education. HGP Free, located in clean country and ready continue forward for prospective purchasers.