128 Cows & Calves - Auctions Plus 28/02/2025
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7 decks of predominately crossbred heifers breeds include Droughtmaster, Senepol X Charolais, Santa Gertrudis, Brahman and Ultra Black types.Temperament is spot on with these girls handling very well through the yards and easily let out after assessment, it is not hard to see the education they have received. Core Breeding herd is made up of predominately Drensmaine and canowindra Santas, Rondel Droughtmasters, 5-Star Senepol/Charolais cross, Palgrove and Ardrossan Ultra Blacks with Pluto Brahmans. All heifers 100% weighed at assessment for full buyers confidence. 66 male calves and 62 females bulk weighed at assessment to average 65kg Large percentage of polled heads, moderate frame and an excellent education these heifers are ideal to keep on as breeders or well suited as a trade line with a large percentage of black calves. Buyers please note vendors have another 2 x 3 deck lines of heifers in the Weaner and Yearling Sale.