160 Backgrounder Steers, Auctions Plus 1/11/2024
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4 decks of very good quality weaned steers from the highly regarded "Lazy A Droughtmaster" commercial herd. A run of Light weight #4 steers that are ideal to take through to feed on weights or grow through to grass bullocks. well suited to southern markets with only 9 steers showing higher content and some minor hump height.100% reds and honeys in colour, Vendor bred with 1 x brand. all weaned and handled with no milk fat on them. These steers come from an outstanding commercial herd with numerous repeat buyers that can attest to the quality and do-ability.drafted into a neat line with the tail removed and ranging from 166 to 374kg at assessment 22% between 166 and 209kg, 65% between 210kg and 280kg and 13% between 281 and 374kg full weight. 100% weighed at assessment for buyers confidence. Well handled steers with good moderate frame, tidy heads & an excellent temperament. Presenting a great opportunity to secure a light weight line of weaner steers before the end of the season.