2 x 4 deck units of grey polled brahman heifers A+ 12/07/24

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Listing Added Wed - 10 Jul 2024
Listing agent
ashley (19)
Mobile Number: 0400 448 679
Fax Number: (07) 47 413 577
Email: as..........show

Agent Comments

2 x 4 deck units of Grey Brahman heifers presented on AuctionsPlus 12/07/24. 2 x very good quality lines of future breeders. 100% polled and scurred heads with plenty of bone and frame about them and carrying what many consider some of the best commercial brahman genetics in the north, predominately being Mount Fullstop and Kenilworth Brahmans. Excellent temperament and education on these girls coming through the yards exceptionally well with only a very small percentage becoming agitated under pressure during mouthing or weighing. All heifers settled very quickly once drafted and allowed us to walk through them with very little movement off us in the yard. 20hd mouthed at assessment being 100% milk tooth and 100% weighed after 16 hours in the yards off feed. 100% grey in colour including a small percentage of "creamy" coloured heifers, these are the ideal heifers to join to the bull of your choice and would be an asset to most brahman breeding enterprises.

Listing details

No. of Head 200
Breed Brahman
Stock Type Heifers
Av. Weight (kg) 320
Weight Range (kg) 260-400
Price Type Auction Plus Sale
Auction+ date Fri - 12 Jul 2024
Delivery Method on property
Age in Months 14-17
Horn Status: Polled 95%
Quality Very Good
Pregnancy Status Unjoined
Movement Restriction Ticky, Vendor will guarantee
Condition Store
HGP Treated No


40km West of Hughenden

Listing Information

Advert ID: 21690
Displayed: 637
Expires: Thu - 10 Jul 2025
In categories: Livestock For Sale


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