2 Lots of 90 Backgrounder Steers, Auctions Plus 28/02/25
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EU Accredited, Quality line of BLACK Angus and Angus cross STEERS, ex “Teys Brothers” (Dams included in property transaction). An impressive line of Flatback steers offering an astute buyer the opportunity to acquire a line with plenty of frame in light condition to take advantage of a large COMPENSATORY GAIN on fresh productive pasture. Mostly good confirmation, depth and length contributing to heavy carcase dressing weights when fat. Well handled, displaying generally good temperament. Good quality, large framed feeder steers ideal to take on to background to a feedlot or grass bullocks. Approximately 5 steers in this line noted for a small blue scar on eye, not appearing to be majorly effecting vision.Two B Double Mobs of the same steers to make 6 decks. Will be drafted in half by close of the gate due to tight weight group and weighed of scales fair outcome expected. Also two x 4 deck lots available this sale.