3 decks of light crossbred heifers Auctionsplus 15/11/24
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A good quality line of light weight Crossbred heifers with no weight in them. Exceptional temperament with extensive education. These heifers have had all the hard work and handling done and just need time to fill their potential. Moderate framed heifers out of a highly functional and fertile herd of brahman cross cows by Charolais, Droughtmaster and Angus bulls, small percentage of "composite" heifers considered a mixture of the above breeds. Predominately #4's 6-9 months in age with a very small percentage of #3 heifers. Heifers are considered too soft to retain as future breeders on vendors northern breeder block and more suited to southern markets. ideal heifers to tuck away over the growing season and turn off as backgrounders and feeder heifers or join to the bull of your choice.