3 decks of very good quality droughtmaster steers on auctionsplus 22/11/24
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A 3 deck line of very good quality Droughtmaster steers offered for sale on behalf of renowned Droughtmaster breeders GA & MH Power - Formerly Powermac Droughtmasters. Excellent temperament and years of breeding in these steers will ensure they continue to grow into excellent quality backgrounders, heavy feeders and bullocks. Proven performance on grass and grain with numerous repeat buyers attesting to the performance of these steers. An excellent opportunity to secure a line of steers that are Vendor bred & HGP Free with good confirmation, bone and temperament. Have peace of mind that these steers will perform & continue to give buyers marketing options from now right through to Bullocks. 100% reds and honeys Genuine steers with an outstanding reputation in the marketplace. 17% 170-200kg, 64% 200-250kg & 19% 250-300kg at assessment. Steers have been treated and cleared onto vendors fattening block on the 16th of may and are free to all areas.