Coming up on A+ 19/07/24, 66 good quality Angus ptic cows

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Listing Added Mon - 15 Jul 2024
Listing agent
james (19)
Mobile Number: 0427 333 007
Fax Number: (07) 47 420 351
Office Number: (07) 47 420 351

Agent Comments

Herd Dispersal of purchased ex “Teys brothers” (cows included in Property transaction). EU ACCREDITED line of Black Angus PTIC cows. Cows have mostly excellent Confirmation, depth and length contributing to heavy carcase dressing weights when fat. 

Vet preg tested ptic, 24 cows 5-7mths in calf & 42 2-4 mths in calf.(cows have been identified by full/feather bang as well as painted.)  

Suitable for Astute Restocker OR to build a Quality Breeder herd.

Listing details

No. of Head 66
Breed Angus
Stock Type Cows
Av. Weight (kg) 590
Weight Range (kg) 470-740
Price Type Per head
Auction+ date Fri - 19 Jul 2024
Delivery Method On farm Nth of Longreach
Dentation Nil Mouthed
Age In Years 4-7
Horn Status: Horned 5%
Horn Status: Polled 95%
Quality Very Good
Pregnancy Status Preg Tested in Calf (PTIC)
Movement Restriction Nil
Condition Store
HGP Treated No



Listing Information

Advert ID: 21695
Displayed: 1210
Expires: Tue - 15 Jul 2025
In categories: Livestock For Sale


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