Momba Station, Breeding & Grazing 130km South Croydon

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Listing Added Tue - 24 Aug 2021
Listing agent
luke (29)
Mobile Number: 0413 408 953
Office Number: (07) 47 413 085

Agent Comments

Available for Private Sale.

Momba is a well presented Gulf, calf breeding factory, in a reliable rainfall area. The property is for private sale including over 1000 cattle and also offers the advantage of depasturing more stock immediately. There is an excess of abundant feed available! Water is a major feature of Momba with the construction of an impressive flowing artesian bore in 2015, in addition there are 40 permanent water points that are well located across the property and 21km frontage to Clara River, plus 4 creeks. Excellent infrastructure includes a tidy 3 bedroom block home, quarters, numerous sheds, 3 sets of steel yards plus good condition open fence lines and roads. Momba It is Well grassed with black/white spear, forest blue grass and some legume growing in sandy forest country. Timbered with bloodwood, grey box & tea tree. 

 The carrying capacity of Momba is up to 3000 adult equivalent, depending on season. The property offers economies of scale and comes with  1,000 Cows, 25 bulls and all unbranded calves. The enterprise provides Immediate cash flow, excellent pasture and healthy land management with extensive quality improvements and little to spend on major new improvements. 

Listing details

Status Available
Selling Method Type Private Sale
Property Name Momba
Area 60,900ha
Tenure Rolling term lease, extended 2049
Rates Approx. $6,852 p.a.
Rent Approx. $3,560 p.a.
Location Located approximately 130km south of Croydon, 350 km north of Richmond, 270km east of Normanton, 250km west of Georgetown and 550km west of the Atherton Tablelands.
Country Type Abundance bulk of grass featuring forest blue grass, black and white spear grass with summer herbages. Stylos include secca and wyncassia legumes. The pasture is well suited to breeding and grown cattle, however young cattle can be grown out given space to be spread over reasonable areas.
Water Momba is well watered with multiple dams, river and creek systems backed up by three excellent flowing bores located on the Central, Southern and Northern end of the property, with an extensive poly pipe system and troughs.
Rainfall 625mm or 25inches
Fencing ‘Momba’ is fenced into 6 main paddocks plus 7 additional holding paddocks. Fencing is all in good condition.
Carrying Capacity/Stock 3,000 AE
Plant & Equipment Full list P&E available in IM.
Number of Dwellings Homestead, Cottage, Donga
Features Momba is offered with guaranteed 1,000 Brahman Cows and 25 Bulls, Including all cleanskin calves.
Pricing Type P.O.A.




Listing Information

Advert ID: 21188
Displayed: 9701
Expires: never expire
In categories: Pastoral/Stations
